Instant Everyday Collection

Life isn’t scripted, and that’s the beauty of it. An unexpected shower during a couple’s first dance, a random burst of laughter during a family shoot, or the shadows dancing between the city streets, Instant Everyday is about capturing genuine moments. Influenced by the timeless charm of Polaroid and Instax, this collection bridges the gap between the unpredictability of film and the clarity of digital, offering you a chance to pause real life in enduring beauty.

Stuck in Your Photography Career?

You're not alone.

  • ​❌ Your raw photos are awesome, but when you try to edit them, they just don't look as cool as you imagined.
  • You really like taking pictures, but figuring out Lightroom feels like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces.
  • ​❌ It's like Lightroom has a bunch of secret tools, and not knowing them is like trying to play a game where you don't know all the rules.
  • You keep redoing your photos, trying to get them just right, spending money on new presets, and it feels like you're running in circles – it's eating up your time, energy, and cash! Let's change that and make your photos pop.
  • ​❌ You feel like you're falling behind while seeing other photographers jump ahead with incredible edits and consistency.

What if there was a better way?

Imagine a system that not only refines your editing process but transforms it. A system that empowers you to consistently deliver the dream look you've envisioned. Picture your clients so impressed, they become your most passionate advocates, naturally attracting more business.

Introducing the Mastin Labs Preset System

The Mastin Labs Preset System Advantage:

Mastin Labs Preset Features

  • ✔️ ​Streamlined Editing System: Dive into a user-friendly system in Lightroom that lays out each editing step clearly. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to effortless, flowing edits.
  • ✔️ Film-Inspired Lightroom Looks: Explore a variety of Lightroom styles crafted from the essence of real film. We've dedicated thousands of hours to capturing the authentic feel of film, transforming it into digital presets for your photos. Achieve that classic film aesthetic with ease, focusing more on capturing moments than editing them.
  • ✔️ ​Advanced Lightroom Tools: Utilize the latest and greatest in Lightroom, including AI Masking and HDR. As Lightroom evolves, you'll receive all the new tool updates and additions to the Mastin Labs Preset System at no extra cost.

Take a Closer Look Inside

How to Use the Mastin Labs Preset System

The Team Behind the Dream of a Better Preset System

About Us

Hey there, fellow photographer! We're the team behind Mastin Labs, and we've got something special for you. About a decade ago, we asked ourselves a big question: What if everyone could capture the timeless beauty of film in their photos? That's how our journey began.

We're photographers just like you, tired of spending forever on edits.

So, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. With our trusty Fuji Frontier lab-grade film scanner, and a whole lot of passion, we created the first Mastin Labs presets. Our goal? To make film-style editing easy and accessible for everyone.

We're not about chasing trends or making complicated tools.

Our presets are simple, classic, and super easy to use, thanks to our Mastin Labs Preset System. This means you can spend less time editing and more time doing what you love – shooting amazing photos, growing your business, and enjoying life.

And don't just take our word for it. Popular Photography says we're the "Best film emulation presets for authenticity." That's a big deal, and it shows we're serious about quality and authenticity.

We're here for the underdogs, the dreamers fighting to make their mark. We’ve been through the long editing nights and the doubts, but we’ve learned something important: Your passion is your power.

Our mission at Mastin Labs is to help you:

  • Create stunning photos quickly and easily.
  • Build a successful business and a life you love.
  • Become the artist you're meant to be.

Join us on this journey and let's bring the magic of film to your photography. Let's make something amazing together!

Our mission at Mastin Labs is to help you:

  • Create stunning photos quickly and easily.
  • Build a successful business and a life you love.
  • Become the artist you're meant to be.

Join us on this journey and let's bring the magic of film to your photography. Let's make something amazing together!

Ready to Level Up Your Photography?

This is more than just presets. It's a pathway to mastering your edits, wowing your clients, and growing your business. Don't let another edit hold you back.