Tips for Photographing Your Own Family

We have our very own Kayla Baptista on Mastin Labs Live to chat about staying creative during the stay-at-home order. We've been so impressed with the photos she is sharing of her own family in our Mastin Labs Facebook Community so we invited her to be our guest to share her tips for photographing your own family.
Get Them Excited For The Shoot
Kayla's first bit of advice for getting your kids excited for the shoot is to give them something to do, don't just pose them. For example, her kids love fun sunglasses and outfits so she lets them play dress up for her shoots. Another prop that works great—ice cream! Also, try to incorporate them into the planning process, if they are old enough, and give them some control over what they are about to do.
Focus on Creating an Environment for Great Photos
Trying to get your kids to act perfectly during a shoot isn't always going to happen, so try focusing on what you can control and then just let them be themselves. Create the conditions for beautiful photography by finding really good light and props, and choosing the right gear. If you have those items dialed in you are setting yourself up for success.
Have Gratitude for the Moment
Don't forget that more time to photograph your kids can be a silver-lining to a stay-at-home order. Being a full-time photographer often means long days and weekends away from our families, plus much less creative energy left to photograph them when we are home. Remind yourself that this time is a blessing in disguise and that your family photos don't have to be perfect.
Don't Forget to Get Photos With You in Them!
If you have a two-parent household or have a tripod, don't forget to try to get some photos where you are in the photos with your family. Photographers are notorious for never actually being IN the family photos so try to use this time to slow down and master the self-timer or remote trigger.
Here are a few of Kayla's recent photos of her family. Check out the rest in the video above.