Fathers: It goes fast. Don't forget to document your family.

Time is a funny thing. When we are young, we feel we have an endless amount of it. As we grow older, our time horizon grows shorter and time seems to pass too quickly. When you have children, the fleeting nature of time becomes a thing - it was only yesterday you saw your child being born. Now, in the blink of an eye, they are seven! SEVEN!
Can you believe it? I can't.
As photographers, we have this intense pressure to prove ourselves as artists and to stand out in the photography world. This means styled shoots, grand weddings, elaborate family portrait sessions, intense commercial shoots, and extensive documentary projects.
You know what gets lost in all this pressure? Your history and the photos of the people closest to us, the ones we love most dearly.
Photos of our children get pushed to the side in favor of other work when in the end it is these very pictures that you will treasure most. When you are old, I promise you won't be reminiscing about commercial photo shoots or weddings, instead, you will be walking through the fertile fields of memory, full of stories from your past and the faces of those you love.
So, this father's day, take a step back from the pressure of 'making it' and take a moment to capture your legacy, the small magical moments with your children that unfold every day. Your own life and family is more important than any other work you will do. It really is. And it will only gain power over time. The simple moments you capture now will be the defining moments of your family history 20 years from now. Your photography is a treasure you give yourself and future generations. So close your laptop, grab your camera, find your kids, hang out, and make the best work of your life.
Happy Father's day!